

If you need some ideas for the Večer Aprílových Blaznů or if you just want to have some fun and watch some funny variety shows, watch these quick videos.

Chcete-li nějaké nápady pro náš Večer aprílových bláznů, nebo chcete-li se jenom podívat na zábavné scénky, podivejte se na klipy dole. Dole máme ještě "WOW questions."

WOW Questions
1. Do you prefer scrambled, boiled eggs, or painted eggs?
2. What is your favorite subject in school? (Thanks, Bara)
3. A man is sitting in bed. He makes a phone call, saying nothing, and
then goes to sleep. Why does he make the call? You can ask yes and no questions.

10 komentářů:

Rev. Kati Collins řekl(a)...

Hi everyone!
I hope you like the videos!
1. I prefer scrambled eggs, but I'm excited about decorating eggs at the end of this week!
2. My favorite subject in High School was Math.
3. Ask yes or no questions and I will respond.
Bye for now!
Have a great day!

Anonymní řekl(a)...

1. I don't like to eat eggs, but I like to paint them.
2. Maybe Aj(English) and History, but sometimes Physics and Maths too.
3. Does he has to make tha calls?

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Hi Kati,

I prefer scrambled eggs.
My favourite subject is English.
I ask him: Are you OK?


Hubert Hoffmann

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Katy why do you like Math? (I hade it)

Hubert Hoffmann

Rev. Kati Collins řekl(a)...

Does he have to make the call?
Why do I like math? I like patterns and solving problems, kind of like the problem for today. (P.S. You ask me questions, not the man. You need to answer this question: Why did he make the call?

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Hi Kati

1.I prefer painted eggs

2.My favourite subject is maybe PE

3.Does he had stroke???

Anonymní řekl(a)...

1.I prefer painted eggs.
2.My favorite subject is Geography.
3.Speak man with mather???
Hello Jakub Trnka

Rev. Kati Collins řekl(a)...

Did he have a stroke? No.
Did he speak with his mother? No.
Hint: He didn't sleep before the call. He went to sleep after he called.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Did anyone who was called answer the phone?

Rev. Kati Collins řekl(a)...

Aha! Yes. Someone did answer the phone.