14. dubna 18:00-20:00
Večer aprílových bláznů bude večer se zabavným i vážným programem. Pokud chcete, můžete se přijít podívat nebo se přidat k našim představenim. Na programu se budou podilet děti, mládež a dospělí z kurzů angličtiny a rodiny ze sboru. Chcete-li ukázat něco ze svého talentu, dejte mi vědět (katisalmons@gmail.com).
We’re having a talent show with a serious and funny program. You can come to watch or join in the show. Kids and adults from the English classes and families from the church will be sharing their talents or lack there of. If you would like to do something serious or silly, let me know (katisalmons@gmail.com).
WOW Questions
1. Who is your favorite pop singer? (Thanks, Hubert.)
2. What is your talent?
3. Which state from USA is shaped like the picture shown below?

9 komentářů:
Hi everyone,
1. I like Kelly Clarkson and Norah Jones.
2. I can play the flute and sing. I can't dance or draw very well.
3. Look at a US map and take a guess.
Hint: It's not Oklahoma.
Ahoj všichni!
1. From pop maybe Moby, Peter Gabriel, or Green Day, if it could be. I listen lots of music, but I don't know what could be classified as pop from it. Nejspíš ne moc. :-)
2. I can play violin, I can do many varied cretive activities. But Yes, I am not good at dancing too, so at English, at many other things.
3. Možná Tennessee
Hezký den!
Hi Kati
My favourite pop singer is Karel Gott. My talent is RC flying.
And the state is Tennessee.
Hubert Hoffmann
So Hubert, what is RC flying?
1)My favourite pop singer is Robbie Williams
2)Well...maybe dance,¨probably English and maybe even piano
Marta Dusová
1)My favourite pop singer is Gipsy.cz
2)I can play the table tennis
Jakub Trnka
Hi Kati
1.My favourite pop singer is Billie Joe Armstrong and Black Eyed Peas
2.My talent is gymnastics maybe dance,recorder and flute
3.The state is maybe Tennessee
Klára Jakubcová
Dear Kati,
RC flying is flying with planes (radio controled).
Hubert Hoffmann
1.My favourite pop siner is Green day.
2.I haven´t got talent...
Verča Vyskočilová