7. Březena v 19:30
Zveme vás k promítání v Evangelickém sboru
film v angličtine s anglickými titulky
Muzikál autorů Leonarda Bernsteina (hudba), Stephena Sondheima (text) a Arthura Laurentse (choreografie broadwayské incenace), inspirovaný Shakespearovým příběhem Romea a Julie, se od roku 1957 se hraje na jevištích celého světa.
Budeme mít dalši Večer Her v Podělí(9. Března) 17:00. Kdokoliv může přijit, a nezapomeň že jestliže přivedeš rodiče nebo kamaráda s sebou, dostaneš ještě jeden bod!
(We will have another game night on Friday at 5pm. Anyone can come, and remember, if you bring a friend or parent, you'll get an extra point!)
WOW Points
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1. What is your favorite game?
2. You are in a dark room with a candle, a wood stove and a gas lamp. You only have one match, so what do you light first?
3. What do you see? A duck or a rabbit?

14 komentářů:
Hi Everyone!
1. My favorite board game is Settlers of Catan(Osadníci z Katanu). I also like Basketball.
2. Think.
3. I see both, but mostly the duck and sometimes the rabbit.
Thanks to all of you who read this website!
1. I like all board games, but more I like games about thinking and fun (I agree with Kati, I like Settlers of Catan). ...and card games. I love UNO, too. I know a lot of improvements for this game like uno with JOKER or silent uno, cheating uno etc. Everytime when we play UNO I enjoy it a lot.
Sometimes before I played some strategic games on computer... (instead of that now I listen music on computer a lot when I'm doing anything there). And from collective games I like floorball, "přehazka" (it's as volleyball but players should catch the ball)and "na krále" -it's a very special game with one ball, one king, a lot of people ...and fun (how else can you enjoy a game?) :-)
2. I would light gas lamp, than candle and a wood stove at last.
3. At first I saw a duck, than a rabbit. I think the rabbit is nicer :-)
Mějte se všichni sluníčkově, zdraví Madla
PS: I am sorry for mistakes
2. -of course I would light gas lamp from match, the candle from gas lamp and wood stove from candle or from the gas lamp which should still light. It should works ...teoretically. ...If the gas lamp has a gas...oops. I am confused
Hi Kati,
1) My favourite game is Jungle speed and a game which is similar Jungle speed and the game Kati learn me and my sister. And Kati said it´s her favourite game too.
2) I assume that I have box for match. I light first maybe a gas lamp for light then candle if the gas lamp switchs off and them I light wood stove for warm weather.
3) I know the illuzion but I see more rabbit.
Bye Pavla Mlejnkova
in reply to Pavla,
The card game is called Egyptian War, and, yes, it is my favorite card game. I have many favorite games. I just like playing games a lot. I'm glad you like that game.
for Kati
thank you :-)
1. uno
2. i don't know.
3. duck
majda dusová
This is Ann Salmons
1. My favorite board game is Clue. I love mysteries. My favorite card game is Hand and Foot.
2. Hmmmm.... I would light a candle so I could see the lamp to light it, then the stove.
3. I see the duck at first glance then the rabbit.
Have a great day!
1.My favorite game is bang.
2.I would light candle.
3.I see duck and rabbit.
Anna Šimonová
1.My favorite game is Trans America.
2.I would light the candle.
3.I see the rabbit.
Hello Jakub Trnka
1.My favourite game is Imperium.
2.I think- candle.
3.Duck and rabbit.
Hello....Milan Zavoral
1) my favorite game is BANG
2)I light first match.
3)I see both
Hello Klára J.
1)My favorite geme is probably BANG
2)I would light a match first
3)I see both
Marta D.
1.My favorite game is bang.
2.I would light the candle.
3.I see duck and rabbit.
Bye Jana Kovářova