Blíží se! Večer Aprílových Bláznů bude v sobotu v 18:00! Studenti z angličtiny, prosím přijďte v 17:30. Pokud mi chcete pomoct s přípravou, napište mi e-mail.
film v angličtině s anglickými titulky
(film in English with English subtitles)
11. dubna v 19:30 (11th of April at 7:30 PM)
Tento film se odehrává ve francouzské vesnici kolem roku 1960. Nově příchozí Vianne Rocherová(Juliette Binoche) a její dcera naruší chod vesnice, když otevřou obchod s čokoládou. Ve vedlejši rolích hrají Judi Dench a Jonny Depp.
(This film is set in a small French village sometime around 1960. Newcomers Vianne Rocher (Juliette Biunoche) and her daughter disturb the peace when they open a chocolaterie during Lent.)
WOW Questions
1. What is your favorite PC game? (Thanks, Bara)
2. When will it rain next?
3. Continue with question 3 from last week:
A man is sitting in bed. He makes a phone call, saying nothing, and
then goes to sleep. Why does he make the call? You can ask yes and no questions.
You know that:
He does not have to make the call.
He does not have a stroke.
He does not speak with his mother.
Someone does answer the phone.
11 komentářů:
Ahoj! Jaké jsou Velikonoce?
1. Perhaps Caesar 3, Age of Mythology, Stronghold(I like strategy games)and Need For Speed:Most Wanted...sometimes I helped to my younger brother with Gothic. But now I don't play any pc games
2. ...Tuesday! I don't like Tuesdays,(but, however I don't know why)-"it is very likely that it will rain next Tuesday" :-) --And now, when I wrote it as my choice, likely it will not rain, because of "zákon schválnosti" (general cussedness of things?) :-) -- So I don't know what I want. Divný. We'll see. (such an easy question and I make my answer so complicated, as per usual)
3. -I'll write later-
Mějte se!
1. My favorite PC game is Doom.
2. I think it will rain on Friday.
3. Was he trying to sleep before the phone call? Yes.
1)Hmmmm...I don't really know-I don't play computer games allmost at all but I like "Bulanky"
2)Wednesday!!!I think it won't rain tomorrow...
3)I think he was trying to sleep, and he could not, because of his girlfriend.She was mad at him, so she yelled at him and he did'n say anythink.
Marta Dusová
Hi Kati
My favourite pc game is Pintball.
Next will rain today.
I do not understand the qvestion.
Have a nice time.
Hubert Hoffmann
So in Telecí it was raining yesterday evening but about five minutes later the rain stopped. What about Polička? Ask friends I am not kidding. ;-)
It was sort of raining in Polička on Tuesday, but it was more like a "drizzle". It might not rain again for a while.
1. I am not sure what my favorite PC game is. I play solitaire a lot on my computer.
2.In Oklahoma, it is supposed to rain all day Friday and snow Friday night. Crazy!
3. Is the man calling to check the time?
Ann Salmons
Wow! More snow in Oklahoma?
Is the man calling to check the time?
No, he is not. He does have a purpose for the call though.
Hello Kati,
1. I prefere scrambled eggs.
2. My favourite subject is paint.
3. I don't know.
1. My favourite pop singer is
Aneta Langerová.
2. My talent's is paint and heand works.
3. I don't know.
1. My favourite PC game is "difference".
2. I don't know.
3. I don't know.
Who sent this last comment?
Does he need something like a cradle-song?