
19. března/March 19th

Pondělí máme Scooby-doo v 17:00!
Monday we have Scooby-doo at 5pm!

Wow Questions
1. What is your favorite movie?
2. Do you have a brother or sister? If so, how many?
3. Make up your own question. If I use it, you will get an extra point!

8 komentářů:

Rev. Kati Collins řekl(a)...

1. I love many movies. One of my favoites is The Princess Bride.
2. I have one sister, Jacque, who has been at the American camps. She lives in Seattle now. And, no, she is the younger sister.
3. The first question was mine. The other questions were from Marta Dusova.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

My favourite film is Mr. and Mrs.
Smiths. I do not why.
I have not a brother or a sister.
And my qvestion is: What is your
favourite pop singer?

Bye Hubert

Anonymní řekl(a)...

1. It's complicated. If anybody is asking me then I usually answer: I don't know. :-)Because I like many movies too. I like movies from Monty Python, Woody Allen...Miloš Forman...plays by Jára Cimrman... So I like comedies (and absurd comedies too), well-made parody movies, historical, fantasy, romantic, fairy tales, and serious too... all good movies, but no horror. Recently I saw Finding NEVERLAND - it's nice movie, Pride and Prejudice, ...I saw The Princess Bride once too.
Now you know for me it's really difficult to answer shortly :-)
2. I have three younger brothers. Vojta, Vojen and the youngest is Jáchym.
3. What kind of music, group, composer(...) do you like?

Anonymní řekl(a)...

I am sorry, It's special that my question is very similar to Hubert's, but I hadn't seen this one before. Mějte se všichni krásně!

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Hi Kati!
1. I like all movies.
2. I have got brother. His name is Ondra.
3. What is your favourite subject ?


Anonymní řekl(a)...

1. My favourite movie is Matrix Revolutions
2. I have got one brother. His name is Jakub
3. What is your favourite book??

Jiří Trnka

Anonymní řekl(a)...

My favourite movie is Step up.
I have got one brother and one sister.Their names are Jirka and Kate.
What is your favourite pc games?

Anonymní řekl(a)...

1.My favourite movie is Stalingrad.
2.I have got a sister.Her name is Markéta.She has four years.
3.What is your a favourite tuner.
Hello...Milan Zavoral