
This Week/Tento Týden(12.2-18.2)

This Week/Tento Týden(12.2-18.2)
Game Night/Večer her – v češtině i angličtině
Chcete-li zažít příjemný večer, zveme rodiče i děti k večeru her v evangelickém sboru. Sejdeme se 16. února v 17 hodin.

Movie Night for Adults/film v angličtine s anglickými titulky pro dospělé

14. února v 19:30
Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
(Život pod vodou se Stevem Zissouem)
Originální komedie s Billem Murray v hlavní roli excentrického oceánografa. Film je současně parodií i oceněním Jacquese-Yvese Cousteau, jemuž je věnován. Ve filmu též uvidíte Owena Wilsona, Cate Blanchett a Anjelicu Huston.

1. What is your favorite color?
2. Gary is standing between Bill and Tony. Peter is standing on Tony's right. Between whom is Tony standing?
3. What is the only animal that can’t jump?

Click on ‘comments’ to post your answers. You don't need to give your email address or anything. Just click on "publish your comment" when you are finished.

7 komentářů:

Rev. Kati Collins řekl(a)...

1. My favorite color is yellow, because I like sunshine and sunflowers.
2. and 3. Come to class next week to find out the answers!

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Hallo Kati and ostatni! I am just guest here but I can answer the first question.
So: I have three favourite colours. It's orange,yellow and brown... I think orange is the nicer. But I don't know why...maybe because it's the colour of the sun as say Kati, it's very nice feeling, thank you Kati!:-)
Mějte se hezky a kdo mě zná, tak napište pozdrav!

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Helo Kati! I am sending my answers.
1) My favourite color is orange.
2) Peter is steanding between Gery and Peter.
3) Turtle can't jump.
I hope it's enough.
See you, Terka Janečková.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Hi kati
1)My favourite colour is red.
2)Tony stand between Gary and Peter
3)I don't know.
Kristian Klein

Anonymní řekl(a)...

1. My favourite color is green
2. Tony is standing between Gary and Peter
3. Crayfish can't jump.
Hello Anna Šimonová

Anonymní řekl(a)...

1. My favourite colour is light
2. Tony is standing between Gary
and Peter.
3. Flitter-mouse can't jump.
Hello Jana Kovářová.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Hi Kati,

1) My favourite colour is green.

2) Tony standing between Gary and Peter.

3) I thing ladybird because she is only flying:-)

have a good time
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