My jsme měli super večer her. Tento týden je normalni, ale přistí týden v ponděli(26.2) budeme mit film pro rodiny Because of Winn-Dixie.
We had a great time on Friday night playing games. This week follows our normal schedule, but next Monday we have a Family movie Because of Winn-Dixie.
WOW Questions
1. What is your favourite fruit?
2. Do you have a pet? What's it like?
3. What fruit gave Sir Isaac Newton a headache?
11 komentářů:
Hi Everyone!
1. My favorite fruit is Kiwi.(Americans write favorite and the British write favourite. So both are correct for you.)
2. In the US I have a dog. His name is Duke, and he is a grey miniature schnauzer(malý knírač). He is 14 years old. He can't hear, and he can't see very well, but he's really cute and lovable.
3. Ask someone you about Newton, if you don't know the answer.
Ahoj!I am here again!
1. ...my favorite fruit is NASHI. It's something like pear and apple mixed together...mmm I love it.
2. We have a lot of pets at home. My younger brother have one aquatic salamander and fish in aquarium and pískomil(sand mouse?). But I have just a kitten (now):-) Her name is Simony and she's brindle. I love Siamese cats but Simony isn't blooded. But it doesn't matter. She's so lovely!
1. My favourite fruit is mandarin
2. My pet is cat. His is name Kulda. There is black and white. He is old 4 years.
3. Apple
Hello Anna Šimonová
1. My favourite fruit is
2. My pet is cat. His is name
Čiky. There is foxiness and
white. He is old 1 year.
3. Apple.
Hello Jana Kovářová.
1.Hello, my favourite fruit is an apple, because i like the taist.
2.We have got a cat, his name is Zrzek, he is 2 }two] years old and he likes to sleep and eat..
3. I will answer at class
helo Kati! My favourite fruitis mandarine.I have five cat's.Theyr name's are Míša, Key, Riki, Žofka and lady Garfield.Míša and lady Garfield are redhair, Riki and Žofka are brindle and Key is FOur color. Apple gave Sir Issac Newton headache. See you Tereza Janečková
1.Hello.My favourites fruit is Apple.
2.My pet is cat.His name is Mikes.He is white.
Hello.Milan Zavoral...
1.My favorite fruit is bananas
2.I have dog his name Kat
Hello Jakub Trnka
Hi, this is Ann, Kati's mom.
1. It would have to be apple. Eventhough Kati's loves Kiwi, when she was little, she always wanted strawberries.
2. Our little schnauzer dog is Duke. Kati has taught him 5 tricks. You must have Kati show you how she teaches Duke a trick.
3. I would guess the apple when it fell on his head.
Have a great day, see you this summer!
Hi Kati, my answerbacks are:
1) My favourite fruit is......cherry.:-)
2) I haven´t a pet but I like dogs, horses and cats. :-)
3) I think apple :-)
Have a good time
1.My favourite fruit is apple.
2.Yes,I have dog,his name is Teddyn.
Bara Tomanova