
Tento Týden 20.5.-26.5./This Week May 20-26

Přiští neděli bude MOZAIKA dělat něco zábavného pro děti v městském parku u hradeb 14,00-17,00. My tam budeme mit hry a "Energizers." Přijd´te. (Next Sunday Mozika will provide some kind of festival for Children by the city walls and in the park. We will have some games and "Energizers." Come join us.}

Wow Questions
1. What animals do humans ride?
2. If you could be an animal, what would you (choose to) be? Why?
3. Finish this proverb: The best things in life are _________.

4 komentáře:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

1. The first I remember are horses, camels and elephants.
2. I never know what to answer when people ask me that, because I like all the animals.
3. Free? -It's like I know it in czech.

Rev. Kati Collins řekl(a)...

1. I like riding elephants:)
2. I would be a turtle, because I'm slow and I like to carry everything on my back.
3. (You can be funny with this one)
The best things in life are with strawberries.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

1. Horses, camels, donkeys, ponies, elephants, ? water buffalo.
2. I would be our dog Duke, he is so spoiled. Or maybe a koala bear because everyone wants to hug them.
3. Ahhhh, the best things in life are at the beach eatting peaches and making sand castles.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Hi Kati,
Humans ride cammels.I would be bird, but I do not why. The best things in life are: sleeping and eating.

Bye Hubert Hoffmann